Friday, August 17, 2007

New site possibly opening on Blount Mountain

Hey Guys/Gal, I talked to the landowner next to Walkers Gap and he seems positive about us creating a new site there sometime in the near future. Due to a family situation it won't happen for probably about 5 months. I'm sure most of you know which place I'm talking about.........the huge field with no obstructions with the killer view next to a pond and small cabin/house . There is about 1000' of cliff frontage and we can put a launch anywhere we want. There is a possibility that we could create a nicely sloped launch which would be good for paragliders as well. The glide would be easier to reach the chicken house LZ and Washington LZ for PG. (4:1 maybe) Also top landings are a probability. It is a 600' agl SSE facing site. Walkers Gap is still in question and the court date is this month some time. Anyway check out the website and please send pics/posts suggestions to me. I'm using mainly old photos plus some Ray's girlfriend took. We are listed on the now and should be getting some good PR. We are also coming up on a google search now thanks to Ray Helman. See you in the air. Philip Dabney

Sunday, August 12, 2007

August may bring news about Walkers Gap

The court date is sometime this month to decide access issues due to Walkers Gap. There are several possibilities: Either Bobby (launch owner) prevails and we get a right of way access........or Eddy lets us put a new launch in on his land......or the next door neighbor lets us put in a new launch........or none of the above. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm posting some old pics of Wakers and Jenkins . Philip Dabney